Stephenie Fox

Vice-President, Financial Reporting & Assurance Standards Canada - Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

Stephenie Fox, CPA, CA, started with Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) in 2015, and is responsible for the independent standard-setting board staff support who work to develop financial reporting and assurance standards for Canada. Canada has long been known both for the quality of its auditing and accounting standards and for the independent, objective and transparent structures responsible for developing the standards and guidance used in this country. Stephenie has over 20 years of experience in independent standard setting and establishing and sustaining relationships with national and international standard-setting bodies.

Prior to joining CPA Canada, she was technical director at the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board – an independent standard-setting board of the International Federation of Accountants. Stephenie was previously a senior reviewer at the Canadian Public Accountability Board and also spent 12 years as a principal working with the Canadian Institute of Charted Accountants. She started her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

On the global scene, Stephenie ensures that CPA Canada’s influential voice is heard and aids in protecting the interests of Canadian enterprises that comply with accounting and auditing standards set outside our borders.


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