

Municipalities play vital roles both in protecting and preserving natural capital and ecosystem services and in providing citizens with core services. Some municipalities are linking these imperatives by developing a quantifiable financial and operational understanding of core municipal services (e.g. storm water management) that are provided by natural capital (e.g. forests and wetlands).

The Municipal workstream of the Natural Capital Lab worked to support, amplify and enhance these municipal efforts through a coordinated research effort.

In cooperation with the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative, Natural Capital Innovators supported the development of detailed case studies of natural capital strategies in Canadian municipalities. Innovators supported early research and data gathering phases. The case study project will continue under the auspices of the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative.

Potential outcomes of this project include a strengthened understanding in local governments of “good practice” to support and stimulate additional natural capital projects and activities in more Canadian municipalities.



Mike Puddister
Deputy CAO & Director Watershed Transformation
Credit Valley Conservation Authority

Vince Deschamps
Registered Planner and Ecologist
Deschamps Consulting


Susan Todd
Solstice Sustainability Works Inc.

Michelle Sawka
Project Manager
Green Infrastructure Ontario

Sara Wilson
Principal Consultant
Natural Capital Research and Consulting

Monica Sood
Principal, Strategy, Risk and Performance Management
Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Canada


Nasha Spence
Environmental Accounting Manager
City of Saskatoon

Roy Brooke
Municipal Natural Asset Initiative

Tatiana Koveshnikova
Senior Project Coordinator of Ecological Goods & Services
Credit Valley Conservation Authority

Jeff Wilson
Chief Executive Officer
Green Analytics

Stephanie Thorne
South East Regional Service Commission

James Bornemann
Geomatics Analyst
South East Regional Service Commission

Thomas Bowers
Senior Research & Policy Analyst
Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation

Michelle Molnar
Environmental Economist and Policy Analyst
David Suzuki Foundation


Nelson Chan
Chief Financial Officer
Capital Regional District and Capital Regional Hospital District

Learn more about the three Natural Capital Lab workstreams